Going green—or living an environmentally friendly lifestyle—can be easier than you think. There are a number of easy ways you can make changes in your everyday life! With small adjustments, you’d be surprised the difference you can make in saving energy at home.
Try making the switch to these eco-friendly habits. You’ll know you’re doing your part to make a difference, and you might just inspire your friends and family to do the same.
Try this bright idea
This is an easy one. Replace your traditional light bulbs with energy-efficient fluorescent or LED light bulbs. Not only are they more efficient by using only a fraction of the energy of traditional bulbs, they last up to ten times longer!
Hydrate smarter
Did you know we go through thirty billion bottles of water every year? An easy solution is to switch to filtered water. Filters can attach directly to your kitchen faucet, or stand-alone containers with filters can be stored in the refrigerator. Both of these filter out sediments and contaminants, making the water from your tap just as filtered as bottled water.

Cool it with the laundry
Switch the settings on your washer from hot to cold. This simple change will reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by more than 1,500 pounds each year. And, with advances in washing machines and laundry detergents, your clothes will still get just as clean.
Declutter your mailbox
Paper is another big drain on the environment. Did you know paper manufacturing is the third largest user of our fossil fuel supply? An easy way to cut down on the paper coming into your mailbox is to pay your bills and communicate electronically. Also, consider removing yourself from any unnecessary mailing lists.
Dispense with paper towels
Paper towels are made directly from trees, leading to depletion of our forests. Rather than reaching for paper towels, use dishcloths or linen napkins. Your dining room table (and the environment) will thank you.
Repurpose containers
Many of the containers in your kitchen can easily serve multiple purposes. For example, you can reuse glass jars as containers for leftovers, drinking glasses, and more. For some great DIY upcycling ideas, check out these posts on upcycled planters and food box organizers.
Swap household cleaners
Switch from traditional cleaners to green cleaners, which will immediately cut down on allergens and toxins both inside your home and out. Bonus: the cleaners are easier on the environment to produce, as well. Look for plant-based cleaners that offer a complete list of their ingredients or make your own environmentally-friendly cleaners.
Give meatless Mondays a try
You may not think about this one often, but believe it or not, incorporating one meat-free meal for your family each week has the same impact on the environment as driving a hybrid car. Livestock emits a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases that are harmful for the environment, so making the switch one night each week can make a big difference.